21 Day Challenge

We can tell you’re ready to win this year. How can we tell? You’re here, which makes you a go-getter!

Since you’re a high achiever/early bird/awesome, we want to help you win.

In order to get a head start, we need you to do 2 things:
1. Write down 3-5 goals you’ve always wanted to accomplish.
2. Invite a friend to join you on the 21 Day Challenge.

Why? Thinking about your goals right now will help you be mentally prepared to achieve your goals.

If you invite a friend to tackle the 21 Day Challenge with you, it will help keep you focused on hitting your target. Plus, when you invite a friend to set goals with you, they will help you celebrate your wins. It’s always better to win with a friend than win on your own.

Start the 21 Day Challenge

Day 6: Fight for It by Scheduling It

Congrats! You’re one week into your goal-setting adventure. You’ve written down goals and made a plan. Now it’s time to schedule out this week to...

Day 5: Make a Plan

So, you set a goal! Yay you! *digital high five*  Now what?  Setting the goal is the exciting part. But without a plan to get...

Day 4: Working Past Failure

It’s easy to give up when you fail. Sleeping in late. Missing a workout. Spending too much money. We’ve all missed the mark. We all...

Day 3: How to Stay Motivated

When it comes to sticking to a goal I’ve set for myself, staying motivated is always a problem. I’m beginning to find when I break...

Day 2: 4 Things to Write Down to Accomplish Your Goals

Just like daydreams, mental goals get you nowhere. Goals are just fantasies until you write them down. Studies have shown you must write your goals...

Day 1: Goal-Setting with God

We know it’s hard to set goals on your own. And it may seem even harder to set goals with God. We want to help...

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