Watch Florida Georgia Line Give Chris Tomlin the Stage to Sing “How Great is Our God”

Florida Georgia Line recently surprised an Atlanta audience with one of their heroes, Chris Tomlin. In the lead up to Chris taking the stage Tyler Hubbard, one half of Florida Georgia Line said, “We’ve been hanging out a ton. We’ve been hitting it off. He’s become one of our really good buddies.”

As soon as Chris took the stage, the crowd roared. Tyler continued, “We want you to share, to sing one of the songs you wrote that changed our lives… that we’ve sung hundreds and thousands of times in Church.”

When Chris dove in to “How Great is Our God,” the majority of the audience followed along in powerful fashion. At the end of the song, the crowd took over the lead vocal in a near-acapella worship session. With both members of Florida Georgia Line lifting their hands in praise, a short rendition of “How Great Thou Art” capped off the unique time in Atlanta where country music and church music met for one night.

Watch it all here!

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