The Greatest Lesson My Grandma Ever Taught Me

There was a moment I realized that long before I knew my grandmother, she was just a girl.

Leanna Crawford recently released a new album “Still Waters.” The first lyric of the album’s title song is:

“Great Aunt Maurine said at a hundred and three, write scripture on your heart for when you need it”

I immediately thought about my maw maw, who is not quite 103. She always writes down her favorite verses and put them on her fridge or in her car. She once told me “Alaina, read your Bible every morning and pray every night.”

Before I moved away for a new job, I always took maw maw to her doctor’s appointments. She lovingly refers to me as her “CNA.” And no matter what devastating news or lack of progress she would have in her health, she would always put on a smile for every doctor, nurse, or stranger that we encountered.

When I moved, we slowly realized I wouldn’t be able to take her to these appointments anymore. When we got in the car after what we dramatically called “our last appointment” together, we had a conversation I’ll never forget.

Maw Maw: “I’m so proud of you. Because you’re following God’s call on your life. That’s the best thing you can do.”

Me: “I’m excited. It’s scary, but I know it’s His purpose and plan for me right now.”

Maw Maw: “You know, sometimes I feel like I don’t have a purpose anymore.

I looked at her, with her oxygen tank and her purse that’s way too heavy for no reason and I thought for a minute. And then as if the answer was there all along I said,

“You have a purpose. God put you on this Earth to keep loving me. To keep loving all of us.”

And she just hugged me and we cried together. Because she knew I was right. The one thing that she has always done her whole life, is love her family, and she loves deeply.

That’s when it hit me that even though she has gained wisdom from the years she’s lived, there’s still a girl inside of her. And that was the greatest lesson she could have ever taught me- that even after years of serving the Lord, there’s still a child in all of us who sometimes questions…

Am I good enough?

What is my purpose?

Why me?

Jesus said all we have to do is love Him (Matthew 22:37) and love others (Matthew 22:38). It doesn’t matter how old you are or how broken you are, if you do those two things- you have purpose. Doubting yourself and God’s plan is only human, but scripture always reminds us that He will never fail us.

“For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.” | Psalm 100:5

Call a family member or a friend today. You never know what God’s going to do next.

How Do I Find My Purpose in Life? | Gabe Lyons
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