Responding to the Recent John Crist News

Today, news broke that has the potential to shake Christian culture. Charisma News published a story that detailed several claims against comedian John Crist, accusing him of manipulating and sexually harassing women on multiple occasions. The story contained several separate accounts of this behavior along with a statement from Crist himself, saying that he has sought treatment for his “sexual sins and addiction struggles” and a decision to cancel the rest of this year’s tour dates.

But I’m not here to talk about John Crist.

As I read the reports of harassment, my stomach sank—not because I’ve laughed at John’s videos or sat next to him in interviews. My stomach sank because multiple women talked about how his status as a “Christian celebrity” made them trust someone that proved himself untrustworthy. At one point in the article, it told the story of 2 victims who no longer affiliate with Christianity today because of this behavior.

My stomach sank because the sentiments they expressed were far too familiar to me.

As more and more #metoo stories came out over the past few years, a separate movement started up as well. #Churchtoo also started trending as women and men told stories of abuse within the Church. Many were shocked to find out that so many were taken advantage of by people who so many looked up to and respected spiritually.

My story started with an unhealthy relationship with a pastor’s kid…and ended with shame, heartbreak, and a lot of questions. Was everything that happened my fault? How could he be in the wrong if he crossed boundaries while simultaneously telling me his plans to become a missionary?

When I did finally confide in a friend about the situation, the rumors spread like wildfire. Except…the story wasn’t about his indiscretions. Everyone was talking about me. I was the one stamped with the scarlet letter. When I called him to complain about it, his response was, “So?” I felt so crushed by my own ruined reputation while he remained untouchable. He was the godly one. He was the “most dedicated Christian” (a real award that my small Christian school gave out at graduation.)

I don’t share this story for sympathy. I share it because it took me a very long time to trust men, and especially “godly” men. I share this story because you might be questioning the very foundations of your faith because someone severely misrepresented it to you.

I want you to know that I found my place in the church by looking to Jesus. All through the Bible, He respected women, He treated them with dignity, and He made them a part of the story when culture dismissed them entirely.

I want you to know that I found my place in the church by looking to Jesus. All through the Bible, He respected women, He treated them with dignity, and He made them a part of the story when culture dismissed them entirely. Share on X

To my sisters, there’s a place for you here. There’s a God who picks up the shattered pieces of our hearts and puts them back together. There’s a place in the body of Christ where you are not just needed….but loved and valued. There are men and women ready to show unconditional love and will be patient and understanding when you’re unsure of whom you can trust.

To my brothers, thank you for being set apart from the continued stories of misconduct. Thank you for respecting women. Please continue to speak up for us when you notice someone next to you engaging in abusive behaviors.

And whoever you are, continue to share your story. Even when no one is listening. Even if it seems like no one believes you. Thank you for being so incredibly courageous. This isn’t your fault. You’re not alone. And there is hope for a future free of shame.


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November 6, 2019 8:25 pm

I had an “issue” at church with the pastor’s son and I didn’t blame the church or Christianity. I blame him for HIS problems and issues. There are good Godly men such as my husband and others who will and can treat you right. Should ppl be held accountable, yes but I feel I am stronger bc of my life.

Pippie hull
Pippie hull
November 7, 2019 12:48 pm

A crush on a high school teacher turned into a relationship. My world fell apart when it was discovered and the man I had trusted so much called me a liar. School was hard! Home was hard! I had no where to turn. I heard that during the investigation he had began attending church regularly and had become religious. So when he got off scott free and I was resented and dispised by the school, I turned away from God feeling He had ignored and overlooked me while He let the teacher get away with what he had done. What… Read more »

Donna Pauley
Donna Pauley
Reply to  Pippie hull
November 7, 2019 5:56 pm

Pippie, that just breaks my heart. We had a teacher in My school accused of sexual misconduct with a student. Didn’t know the students name but it was traumatizing for the whole school. The sad part is if they get away with it, it WILL happen again. 😢

Carrieanne Barker
Carrieanne Barker
November 7, 2019 1:50 pm

There is no perfect church just a perfect savior 💕💚💜💕🙏

Rebecca Buchholz
Rebecca Buchholz
November 6, 2019 8:28 pm

Thank you so much for posting this. I feel that women are often shamed into giving grace, and accepting all responsibility in cases like this. Focusing completely on the fact that she “isn’t over it” or “isn’t forgiving and forgetting” (a completely non-biblical action by the way!) and ignore the fact that HE shouldn’t have done it, and HE should not be so flippant with his actions. I really needed to hear this today!

John Thompson
John Thompson
November 6, 2019 8:11 pm

Hey Bekah, thank you for sharing your story and your feelings. I cant imagine it’s very easy to say the things that need to be said without fear of retribution. Please continue to build others up by more comfortable in your own skin. I am afraid I am not as eloquent or to the point as you, please dont correct my grammar or spelling. 🙂

November 6, 2019 11:50 pm

I dislike hearing stories like yours and John Crist’s, but I feel like they are EVERYWHERE. On the one hand I’m like, “Well we all human, and make mistakes, and we can be forgiven.” (This is all true). But on the other hand I get so ‘angry’ and upset. Here I am trying to live a life in communion with God, being the best woman that he has destined me to be, asking him to change me when my attitude/actions/thought life are not in alignment with his, being the church ‘out-there’. And then to hear ‘good’, public people ‘messing’ around… Read more »

Donna Pauley
Donna Pauley
Reply to  Kimmie
November 7, 2019 5:53 pm

Sin against women has been a problem since biblical days. Tamar was raped by her nasty half brother. Her father King David did nothing and got mad when Absalom killed him. What??? It started with the fall of man and will continue until Jesus comes

Cherice Tillman
Cherice Tillman
November 7, 2019 4:10 am

Amen, thank you for sharing this. We all need to be reminded of this, “I found my place in the church by looking to Jesus. All through the Bible, He respected women, He treated them with dignity, and He made them a part of the story when culture dismissed them entirely.”
I sincerely pray for those that feel they can not belong or don’t want to belong to church, that they will be drawn to fix their hearts to Jesus, that they will be healed, made whole and set free.

November 7, 2019 4:55 pm

Thank you Bekah for sharing. I’m feeling that sinking feeling too. I believe only one church in my mid-size city where I live has an Ironman group dealing with something that supposedly 70% of men in the church are struggling with. A teenage boy said all his friends, Christian friends, feel like they are losing this battle with internet fed sexual addiction. That is problem one. Problem two is in the current non-acts church format, who is there praying with each kid on a weekly basis mentoring them through the years where the output is real Godly men and women… Read more »

LeeAnn Tooker
LeeAnn Tooker
November 7, 2019 7:25 pm

Some women are drawn into the attention of a charsmatic, funny,”spiritual”man. So when they realize possibly it has gone wrong, shame sets in, and no one says anything. It was courage for the women who spoke up with the risk they would not be believed but how else will this person be held accountable. It is okay to take a break from church to heal but remember our God is not represented by those performing in a church setting. He is represented by His Son Jesus who loves those who are hurt in the wake of abuse. He is our… Read more »

November 8, 2019 6:06 am

I am saddened to read this article. For John, I’m thankful he’s not denying it. I pray God will work in his heart & give him what he needs to change whether it be counseling or whatever. I know if he repents & asks God’s forgiveness He will give it to him. That’s hard to take, I know. My heart hurts for you Bekah because of what happened to you & for too many other women preyed upon by men calling themselves Christians. I was molested as a teenager & I felt dirty & ashamed like it was my fault… Read more »

November 8, 2019 8:02 am

Dear Bekah, Big hugs to you, our very dear sister friend. Thank you for sharing. Your testimony is giving others the courage to share theirs. I’ve heard it said, “we are only as sick as our secrets”. Jesus Is The Light of the world. The enemy works in darkness. I am so blessed to be in a church where the pastors, and so many other followers of Jesus, are transparent, open, and confessional. This has helped me to be this way, also. It is so freeing and healing to be real. I must remember how God used broken, messed up… Read more »

November 6, 2019 8:08 pm

Thank you Bekah. This ministered to me.

Margie Ryne
Margie Ryne
November 6, 2019 8:42 pm

This just sickens me, I loved John! I’ll be praying for him! Love & hugs Bekah!❤️😘

November 7, 2019 5:45 am

Well said Bekah.

November 7, 2019 8:12 am

Very well said Bekah, just discussed this in my small group last night. Thanks so much for sharing, praying still for Joey!

November 7, 2019 12:55 pm

Thank you for sharing, Bekah! With God’s help, we can overcome, grow, and keep moving forward! God bless!

November 7, 2019 1:20 pm

This is sad to hear. However, he is human and humans make terrible mistakes sometimes. It’s easy to judge and say how can he do that, but he obviously has issues he hasn’t overcome through Jesus. I know I can’t point the finger as I have my own struggles that need to be brought to light. I hope and pray he can get the help he needs and reconcile his life with God.

Dawn Bivens
Dawn Bivens
Reply to  Monique
November 10, 2019 1:33 pm

I think it’s very hard to let God take your burden when you know, profoundly, how evil the act is because of the deep shame. I’m not going to say that the man shouldn’t be ashamed of his actions and the consequences of his actions but letting God help him means going to God and asking. Yes, the man still has to confess, turn away from his evil actions and accept the worldly consequences of his evil actions. It seems that people only turn to God after they are caught in their evil acts. I pray that people who do… Read more »

Donna Pauley
Donna Pauley
November 7, 2019 5:50 pm

I am so sorry that happened to you. He may have been a dedicated Christian but he wasn’t dedicated to Jesus Christ. He will get his comeuppance and I pray there aren’t more victims but if there are it isn’t your fault. Your “friend” wasn’t very trust worthy and people were fooled by the wolf in sheep’s clothing. It did make me sad that some turned their back on Christ. He didn’t do it nor does he approve. I had a pastor who was quite verbally abusive to all the women in church. It took me years to trust pastors… Read more »

November 7, 2019 7:24 pm

Thankful somebody finally did and that was courage of them. Possibly because they may not have been believed

November 7, 2019 8:58 pm

Absolutely LOVE this!

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
November 7, 2019 12:59 pm

You don’t need “God” in you life to be a moral, ethical, well-behaved person. Crist is the perfect example that Christianity does not make you a better person.

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