Here’s the Bad News About The Chosen Season 4

Don’t worry…there’s good news too!


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“Ultimately, there is a delay, and this is no fun. We are as bothered and urgent as you are. No one wants to get this into your hands more than we do. And yes, we do have to come up with ways to allow us to be more sustainable and to grow this show. Sometimes the long-term conflicts with the short term.” | Dallas Jenkins

The world awaits the release of Chosen Season 4 coming to streaming services. After the movie theater premieres back in February, many fans were not able to attend the showings due to prices or not finding a theater release close to their location. Because of the delay, Dallas Jenkins (Director of the show) decided to address the issue at hand:

I know that was a lot of information to process. Here are some key points that Dallas made here:

  • It is extremely difficult to run a media company of any sort and expect output with a product that you offer audiences for free.
  • The Chosen is the most-watched show in the world and less than 5% of viewers pay to watch.
  • A movie in theaters makes more money in one month than The Chosen has ever collected in total for an entire year.
  • Most films or shows of this nature have large production companies or studios pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the projects, but The Chosen does not.

Dallas did a much better job of putting to words how strenuous a task it is to function as a company in this way as long as they have — to some, it’s truly a miracle. But, I think the important thing as believers is to give this production company some grace, wait patiently, and support them.

Here’s the good news: 

  • Season 4 will be coming to The Chosen app as soon as it can and it will be free to watch.
  • Since there will be a delay coming to other streaming services, it will be delivered much quicker and not by a few episodes at a time.
  • You can visit this link to sign up your church to have a watch party with included discussions and promo kits!
  • There are still 3 MORE SEASONS to come!!

“We will continue to be one of the only shows in the world to require no payment or subscription to watch. It will continue to spread around the world. It will continue to be marketed and translated so that people in every country can watch this show. And you can continue to be part of that.” | Dallas Jenkins

While you wait, check out this fun little video of cast members guessing who said what lines in the show!

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Justin Holton
Justin Holton
March 20, 2024 2:08 pm

You know what I’m doing to make myself feel better about not having it in the app…I’m reading Dallas’ dad Jerry Jenkins novels based on The Chosen.

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