5 Tiny Desk Concerts That Feel Like a Church Service

If you’ve ever watched a Tiny Desk Concert and thought, this could honestly be a whole worship set, you’re not alone.

Some performances go beyond just great music—they carry a presence, and a message- the good news! From powerhouse gospel, to worship, to a hip-hop testimony, these five Tiny Desk performances that’ll bring church to wherever you are.

1. Maverick City Music

Mav City doesn’t just sing songs—they create an atmosphere of worship. Their Tiny Desk with Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine, Brandon Lake, and Kirk Franklin is raw, intimate, and full of harmonies that feel like a Sunday morning altar call.

2. Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Tasha Cobbs Leonard knows how to bring the presence. From the first note, her powerhouse vocals and anointing turn this performance into a moment of worship you don’t want to miss.

3. Kirk Franklin

Leave it to Kirk Franklin to turn Tiny Desk into a full-blown gospel experience. With choir harmonies, and that that signature Kirk call-and-response energy, this performance feels like church in the most fun way possible.

4. nobigdyl.

Although Christian Hip-Hop artist nobigdyl. didn’t technically have a Tiny Desk concert, won the first-ever Tiny Desk Contest Fan Favorite Vote. His flow tells a story of faith, struggles, and redemption.

5. Marvin Sapp

There are gospel singers, and then there’s Marvin Sapp. His voice carries weight, power, and the kind of soul that makes you feel every word. Whether you’ve been through a storm or just need a reminder of God’s goodness, this Tiny Desk performance is here to encourage you.

When Music Feels Like Ministry

Music has a way of preaching to us in a specific and emotional way. Thank you Jesus for giving us the gift of music- to express what we feel in our hearts, and giving us these powerful instruments to praise you. Music has a way to bring people together and there is power in that.

“Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:19-20

10 Mainstream Songs That Unintentionally Point to Jesus
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