We The Kingdom Rocks Freebird, Coldplay, & Chris Tomlin in Songs From a Mug

You probably already know their famous song “Holy Water,” but did you know We the Kingdom is a family band?

Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Franni Rae Cash, Martin Cash and Andrew Bergthold were shocked and humbled at the success of their hit song. It reached #1 on the Billboard charts and has been streamed more than 30 million times!

The band stopped by our studios in Nashville, TN to give us a one-of-a-kind show. We filled a mug up with song ideas like “The First Song You Learned” and “Your Favorite Song to Play” and they delivered hits from Coldplay, Chris Tomlin, and Lynard Skynard.

Ed Cash said of “Holy Water,”

“The whole heart of the song is about the power of forgiveness and what it really means to be forgiven by God. I’ve actually been reading Romans the past few days and just have been in awe of the way that Paul talks so openly about his own sin. He has such a reverence for God and talks about should we then abuse grace since grace is plentiful? By no means. The bridge to the song says, ‘I don’t want to abuse Your grace. God, I need it every day. It’s the only thing that ever really makes me want to change.’ To me it just depicts that hey I want to be changed by the spirit of God.”

We spoke with Zach Williams about conquering and overcoming fear.

Zach was part of our World’s Biggest Small Group that helps you overcome fear and anxiety. If you’ve ever dealt with feelings of anxiety, worry, or fear in any capacity, this 15 day study is for you. It’s called, “Fear: What it is and how to live beyond it.” Sign up, then we’ll send you inspiring stories right to your inbox from Christian artists and personalities who have been there, too.

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Rachel Mead
March 9, 2021 3:54 pm

Hi I Expected Jesus into My Life at 10 Young , Without JESUS “Where would We Be Today!”

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