Knowing You’re a Child of God Changes Everything | Tauren Wells

Week 1: Who God Says You Are

Today’s truth: I am a child of God.

Do you know what it means to be a child of God? This is a core piece of our true identity! Singer/songwriter Tauren Wells drops some serious knowledge to kick off our conversation on what God says about us. Tauren says he’s discovered the importance of being defined by whose he is – NOT what he does.


Tauren says, “Mentally we understand that we are created by God, we are His children, but for us to understand how that applies to our everyday life and the freedom that brings us, there is such a gap in that…

There’s identity, calling, and assignment. Identity is who God says I am… no one else gets to speak into that. That’s where the “I am a child of God” thing comes in. I am known and loved by Him.

Then there is calling… Then there are assignments. This is where the identity thing gets twisted and distorted. We’ll take an assignment that is connected to our calling and we will invest our identity in something that He has called us to do… Then my whole identity, if I’m not careful, is in what He’s assigned me to do… We’ll think, well, if I have a bad day as a dad or a bad month or year as an artist… now I’m failing. I’m not enough… It’s important to keep those things separate. This is who I am and it doesn’t change… how I accomplish my calling may change… but that does not define who I am.”

Watch Tauren’s music video about belonging to God and being fully known!


In week 1 of the World’s Biggest Small Group: Identity, we’re exploring and solidifying the truths about who God says we are. Here’s a verse to think on this week as we learn:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!

(Psalm 139:13-17 New Living Translation)

Don’t miss out! This is just the first day in a 15 day series on Identity. You can subscribe and get each day in your inbox below.

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    October 8, 2018 6:15 am

    I like the way he broke down identity, calling, and assignment. I’m going to spend some time with God letting Him clarify His calling for me.

    Aliceson Turnage
    Aliceson Turnage
    Reply to  Trish
    October 8, 2018 11:30 pm

    I do as well. I have to admit, i am going to be doing the same thing!

    Joy Summers
    Reply to  Aliceson Turnage
    October 10, 2018 3:41 pm

    I’m so with you girls! I still do not fully know what my calling is but I want God to show me!

    Reply to  Trish
    April 15, 2019 9:14 pm

    I liked this too. A years ago my job changed, and it included a very big pay cut. I identified myself with failure. I need to look at this job as an assignment.. My calling is not my current assignment, but I can fulfill my calling through this assignment.

    October 8, 2018 9:05 am

    Waking up early has been a God send for me. A quiet short walk to wake up . A cup of coffee and scripture , praying …sets the tone for the day . It has gotten to where my hours are completely different . No more TV at night and up earlier all the time as it has let me be me for at least the first couple hours of the day .

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Stetson
    October 9, 2018 12:26 pm

    This sounds glorious! Coffee and scripture! 😍 ☕️ – Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    Janni Roberts
    Janni Roberts
    October 8, 2018 8:57 am

    I like the way he broke things down. It helps to remember not to let success or failure in our assignments change what we should know as our identity…. a child of God loved no matter what.

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Janni Roberts
    October 9, 2018 12:25 pm

    Isn’t Tauren amazing! He breaks this down so beautifully! You are his child regardless of how successful you are or how many times you fail! There is such freedom in that! – Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    October 8, 2018 9:45 am

    Such a straightforward and profound way to explain identity, calling, and assignment. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it broken down better and yet so easily understood. I personally have been struggling with calling and assignment and I so appreciate the great wisdom in how Tauren communicated it. Thank you!

    Joy Summers
    Reply to  K
    October 10, 2018 5:03 pm

    I’m with you K! I often mix up my calling and identity into my current assignment from God but then when the assignment shifts or changes it can cause a major identity crisis! Thankful for this wisdom!

    Reply to  Joy Summers
    October 29, 2018 8:57 am

    You are so right about the identity crisis. I have worked in 9-1-1 for years, and I’ve been known in that circle, but I recently went to the private side and I feel like I lost my identity. It’s still the same group of people (9-1-1 is a very tight knit community) but going from public to private caused a serious identity crisis for me! I now know our assignments can change but we don’t. Thank you, Tauren!

    Elizabeth L Nelson
    Elizabeth L Nelson
    October 8, 2018 10:40 am

    I have had to find worth separate from my former assignment since becoming disabled. Tauren did a fantastic job of explaining identity separate from calling and assignment. It give me a new perspective.

    Reply to  Elizabeth L Nelson
    October 10, 2018 7:09 am

    Tauren broke it down so beautifully. It is hard to separate these area without a conscious effort though. I have physical struggles that have changed my assignment somewhat and may ultimately make me make a permanent change. It is difficult to remember that what I do is not who I am, but I think it could bring great peace taken in fully.

    Rene Briggs
    Reply to  Carolyn
    May 6, 2019 8:02 am

    God will enable you to do, whatever he’s called you to do. I feel my calling is to help people. I am a nurse, but disabled as well. Money is tight. He has provided money when I’ve need it to help the homeless. Sometimes over a hundred people will show up. When I think I’m short, there ends up being extra bags. He is amazing.

    Jai Young
    Jai Young
    October 8, 2018 11:06 am

    Impeccably stated!! Well done Tauren and thank you for simplifying it in basic lament terms.

    Agnes Aurich
    Agnes Aurich
    October 8, 2018 10:02 am

    It’s good to be reminded that we are wonderfully made by God and that we are created for a purpose. Everyday struggles this world brings trying to define how we are to be or who makes it hard but as we stay close to our heavenly father, makes it easier.

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Agnes Aurich
    October 9, 2018 12:29 pm

    So true, Agnes! The closer we are to God the clearer we see who he created us to be! – Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    October 8, 2018 8:53 am

    Sharing with my 15 year old adopted daughter who is struggling with knowing and accepting who she is meant to be in God’s eyes. Thank you couldn’t come at a better time

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Liz
    October 9, 2018 10:56 am

    Oh this makes us so happy to hear. I pray that she really hears the truth of where her true identity comes from! – Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    October 8, 2018 10:01 am

    Just beautiful and so needed. Thank you

    October 8, 2018 10:02 am

    This is something to think about, having the separation between identity and the rest as he mentioned.

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  geoff
    October 9, 2018 12:31 pm

    So good, right! I love how Tauren explains this! Our identity isn’t moved or changed by our assignments or calling! And when we are confident in who we are it is easier to walk out our calling or assignments! 🙌🏻 – Candice, WAY Nation staff

    October 8, 2018 10:38 am

    Good message today.

    Shawn Uhlman
    Shawn Uhlman
    October 8, 2018 12:39 pm

    That was really well spoken and it truly found a way into my mind…he spoke it with such simplicity, hopefully I can make it a part of my life without me complicating it and getting in my own way.

    Terry L Thomas
    Terry L Thomas
    Reply to  Shawn Uhlman
    October 8, 2018 8:54 pm

    edging GOD out.
    Let the Holy Spirit flow as were suppose to as a child of GOD. Do not allow the EGO to take over….

    Sunny Goodner
    Sunny Goodner
    Reply to  Terry L Thomas
    October 20, 2018 3:42 am

    Amazing insight and deft wordplay!

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Shawn Uhlman
    October 9, 2018 12:36 pm

    We are good at getting in our own way, huh? Thankfully we have a God that is full of grace and our identity in Him is true regardless! -Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    Geoffrey Schubert
    Geoffrey Schubert
    Reply to  Candice Rogers
    October 19, 2018 4:39 am

    Nothing has ever been truer of a statement than we are our own enemies, wether that is with ourselves or trying to convince others to affirm our toughts and desires.

    Lisa Criswell
    Lisa Criswell
    October 8, 2018 9:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing. Wow that was powerful…

    October 9, 2018 12:23 am

    I liked what Tauren said about the difference in our identity and what we are called to do. I also found the 16 minutes of silence interesting. Good way to start! I am very thankful God gave me an identity because I am HIS child!

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Robbie
    October 9, 2018 12:46 pm

    That 16 minutes of silence is a good challenge, right! So good! -Candice, WAY Nation staff

    October 11, 2018 1:08 am

    Sometimes I let my failure define who I am. Thank you so so much.,

    October 8, 2018 3:03 pm

    As a believer I have always known my identity. The calling and assignment have been mixed up. What a wonderful reminder that my calling has never changed but my assignment will change depending on where I am in my life and the stage of my life. As I grow older I struggle with what my calling and my assignment is – thank you for the sweet reminder!

    Terry L Thomas
    Terry L Thomas
    Reply to  Tonia
    October 8, 2018 8:56 pm

    We are to serve with LOVE….

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Tonia
    October 9, 2018 12:38 pm

    ❤️❤️❤️ Tonia! We love how beautifully Tauren explains this, too! – Candice, WAY Nation staff

    Karla Koerner
    Karla Koerner
    October 8, 2018 6:06 pm

    Wow! Lots to think about on this one. Just to think how intricate God made me. It is beyond my concept. Just to understand who I am will give me power to be stronger in my journey.

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Karla Koerner
    October 9, 2018 12:40 pm

    I know isn’t it mind blowing when you try and think about how intricately He made you!? ❤️ – Candice, WAY Nation staff

    Kimberly Robinson
    Kimberly Robinson
    October 9, 2018 5:25 am

    This was great. Thankful for how he explained it.

    Kimberly Robinson
    Kimberly Robinson
    October 9, 2018 5:26 am

    Great explanation. Thank you!

    October 10, 2018 8:57 am

    In Galatians 3 Paul says that “those who have faith are children of Abraham” because God told Abraham that “all nations will be blessed through you (Abraham)”. It goes on to say in verse 26 “so in Christ Jesus you are all children of God”. 28, “there is neither Jew not Gentle, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 29, “if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”. We are co heirs WITH Christ. Children of the All Mighty, the Alpha and… Read more »

    October 11, 2018 10:50 am

    It is good to know that the music Tauren writes is grounded in such a real relationship with & revelation of God and us. I love the simple wisdom he spoke. I think we complicate things more than God intends & having it simplified makes it easier to “keep” it.

    November 14, 2018 4:57 am

    Thank you God for the testimony of Tauren, and this Identity series. 2018 has been a wilderness for me…Identity is what God has been attempting to get through to me. I have placed my identity in my vocation and my ability to provide/pay bills. My identity has been tied to my job title and less on Him! OH how I have been mistaken and travelled down my own path. My identity is in God, my Father, and not in any part of myself. I stumbled upon this website and series yesterday and I am so thankful God illuminated it. Thank… Read more »

    Marci Wilson
    Marci Wilson
    May 4, 2019 3:11 pm

    I like the identity, calling, and assignment separation. When I had to retire after getting hurt on the job, I felt a deep loss of identity and became depressed. Thankfully, I turned to God and my faith deepened. But, there are still days that I struggle. Thanks for reminding me that I am a child of God, and that I am fulfilling my new calling and assignment.

    October 8, 2018 10:00 pm

    Great analogy! I struggle with my identity because I don’t feel worthy. I’m overweight and have abused my “temple” and it makes me ashamed. But I am very cognizant of God’s love and mercy and so very thankful for that every day.

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  Martha
    October 9, 2018 12:44 pm

    Martha, I completely understand. I have struggled with that as well but the amazing thing is that our identity has ZERO ties to our weight or other struggles we may have. Satan like to tell us that but it is a lie. You are a child of God no matter what satan or a scale says! I hope that brings you freedom like it does me! ❤️ Candice, WAY Nation staff

    JoshandErin Busby
    JoshandErin Busby
    October 9, 2018 5:59 am

    Love how simple this is laid out and how to apply it to every day Life! Will definitely be working on this and asking God to make me be still more often!!

    Candice Rogers
    Reply to  JoshandErin Busby
    October 9, 2018 12:47 pm

    Right, me too! That challenge to rest in Him for part of our day is so good! -Candice, WAY Nation Staff

    October 9, 2018 2:01 pm

    I am really being bombarded with the theme of “Identity in Christ” this year. My church is currently discussing it. I am on the Worship Team at my school, and that is our theme for the year (chosen for us, not by us). And now this: the topic of World’s Biggest Small Group! I feel like God is telling me I need to re-look at myself. I am going to try to do that.

    Joy Summers
    Reply to  Noah
    October 10, 2018 5:05 pm

    Noah, way to be intuitive about that. Seems like no accident that identity is showing up in every area of your life. I hope you signed up for this series and that each video will help you dive deeper to understand what God may have for you!

    Kristina Felske
    Kristina Felske
    October 10, 2018 5:42 am

    I really enjoyed the video! The breakdown of identity, calling and assignment makes life in Christ clearer, but certainly not easy. These 3 characteristics are so intertwined. Its difficult to practice one concept without the other two being affected. For me I would like to clearly know what is my calling. 🙄 so there you go. Thanks!

    Joy Summers
    Reply to  Kristina Felske
    October 10, 2018 5:08 pm

    I’m with you Kristina! After this conversation, I realized I don’t fully know my calling yet. I’ve been asking God to show me. He may not do it in our timing but I trust He will reveal our callings to us if we search for it.

    Tracy Hicks
    Tracy Hicks
    Reply to  Kristina Felske
    May 2, 2019 1:25 pm

    I feel, we go around and around about our calling and get stuck there. I think that if we do not know yet, there is a reason. Many times we try to complicate this, we must do what the Lord has said to us and not stay frozen in place when the word has already told us what to do. We are to go out and love well, spread the gospel, pray for the sick etc. The calling has already been announced, its just a matter of the details such as what capacity, area, etc we do it in. We… Read more »

    Sunny G.
    Sunny G.
    October 20, 2018 4:06 am

    God is amazing! I just started WBSG, first time ever even after listening to Way FM for years. God led me right to the topic I am struggling with. All of my life, I have feared failure because that means I am unworthy of love. Even knowing this is a lie, it is still there lurking. God is working to prove His love is with me even when I think I’ve failed in my calling. I am a child of God and His love is unconditional! Thank you!

    October 28, 2018 5:51 am

    I’ve chased career and relationships and let those things define me. Like Tauren said, its easy to lose ourselves in what we are or in a relationship rather than resting in who God says I am. Time to refocus.

    April 22, 2019 2:19 pm

    It’s so true! Once a friend said to me…God makes everything beautiful Jill. Therefore He made you beautiful! Changed how I saw myself and helped me to know who I am in Christ!

    Janis Avery
    Janis Avery
    April 23, 2019 10:07 am

    I also struggled with this.People in the church, family members, and friends try to define me-but that is not who I was.When I had my identity down when I received Christ,God already had given me a calling and an assignment to do, I already knew.It was the area of identity that was hard hit in my life.Thank you for this lesson.

    October 18, 2019 8:53 am

    I have found my identity in so many other things especially men. I have allowed dysfunctional relationships to define me causing a whirl wind of chaos in my life. I no longer want to be in bondage full of lies. I want to see myself the way God sees me.

    August 11, 2020 7:09 am

    My assignment was to be here right now to hear this message from Tauren. It has opened my eyes to see the difference between identity, calling & assignment. So thankful for this!

    September 1, 2020 7:44 pm

    wow, I never knew Tauren before this or that he sang this song. now I’ll know who is singing when I hear this song. yes, “we are fully known and loved by you.”

    October 10, 2020 7:50 pm

    I was pleasantly surprised at how informative this was! I want to watch again and not down a few notes. I have been praying for God to help me grow and mature as a Christian; this is a great place to start. Always thankful

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