Watch Natalie Grant’s Amazing Spur-of-the-Moment Cover from “The Greatest Showman!”

Not everyone can walk into their house after seeing The Greatest Showman and immediately cover one of the songs. Yet Natalie Grant and her husband, Bernie Herms, did just that!

After undergoing surgery to remove tumors from her thyroid in 2016, Natalie wasn’t sure how it would affect her voice. But you can see for yourself in this video, her recovery brought her back full force! That makes this video all the more wonderful.

Enjoy Natalie and Bernie’s cover of “Never Enough.”

Ok so ofcourse after the movie, we had to run in the house from the car, sit down at the piano and sing this song IMMEDIATELY. We didn’t even take our coats off 😂 If you’ve seen #thegreatestshowman, then you know. If you haven’t, run and see it as fast as you can. We will be listening to these songs and singing them around our house for months ❤️ Perfect movie to start the new year off with, awakening incredible creativity, dreams and a reminder of what’s truly important. PS – what is my life that I am married to a man who has seen the movie once, heard the song once, and then can sit down at the piano and play it like he wrote it. I atleast could google the lyrics hahaha. @bernieherms you are ridiculous. 😍🎹❤️

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