Tenth Avenue North is Back After Three Years

And suddenly, they’re back.

You have to check out this interview with Wally, where lead singer, Mike Donehey talks about the conversation with his wife that started it all. Find out exactly which members are coming back and how they plan for this next season of the band.

With old members returning to help write, and new talented members from amazing places like The Choir Room, Tenth Avenue North has brought us their newest single ‘Suddenly.’

I’m so excited to see what happens next. And I’m not the only one…Phil Wickham, TobyMac, CAIN, and several others joined together to give a warm welcome back to Tenth Avenue North.

I remember being 13 years old and crying my eyes out listening to “You Are More” from Tenth Avenue North. I am so happy to see their band come back together so that their ministry can continue to grow!

How Do I Recover From Failure in My Life? | Mike Donehey
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