How to Ask God for Peace, Patience, Joy, and More

Let’s face it, it’s hard to have all nine of the fruits all of the time.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. | Galatians 5:22-23

Most of the time, I find myself focused in on one or two, and I don’t even have the others in my back pocket. God encouraged me with this thought – You should strive to be like Jesus, but He doesn’t expect us to be Him.

Be like Him, don’t be Him.

As Christians, we all strive to be like Jesus, but we might not realize when we start trying to be our own Savior. Instead of expecting ourselves to strive harder or do better, we should take our struggles and lay them at His feet while learning to receive the gifts of peace, patience, joy, etc. that he gives us access to through His Spirit.

If you struggle with this, let me be the first one to say… Please give yourself grace.

Jesus paid a price that we couldn’t pay. But if we let the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily walk, we’ll begin to notice a difference in our attitude, actions, and words.

Did you know that when you recognize something you’re lacking, you can ask God for help?! It seems obvious but sometimes we forget so here are some examples. If you’re stressed at work, you can pray for peace! Or if that one temptation just keeps popping up and you’re struggling, you can ask God to give you self-control.

If you already know what fruit of the Spirit you need more of in your life, find it below and use the prayer we’ve provided to help you start a conversation with God asking Him to help you in the unique situations you’re facing.

If you’re not sure what you need (been there), we’ve created a quiz you can take to help you recognize what fruits you need in this specific season of your life.

Remember, you can always be like Him, but you don’t have to be Him.

1.) Love

Love God, Let all that I do be done in love. Please help me to love others and myself with Your love that bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. Amen


Joy Jesus, Help me to remember that in You there is fullness of joy. Even in the struggles and the hard times, you give us laughter, companionship, and the ability to find the good. Amen


Peace Father, Thank You for giving me Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Just like You're the steady calm in life's storms, help me find that same peace within myself and extend it to those around me. Amen


Patience God, I know that if I wait on You, You will renew my strength. Even when I am restless, help me to remember that Your timing is perfect. Amen


Kindness Jesus, Guide my words and my actions to be quick to forgive, and slow to anger. Let me shine Your light in a world of darkness and serve others with humility. Amen


Goodness Father, Let me do good unto others and expect nothing in return. Lead me away from evil and show me how to be Your hands and feet with good works that glorify You. Amen

7.) Gentleness

Gentleness God, Let my words and actions uplift and comfort those around me. Help me to be compassionate and understanding, fostering harmony and peace wherever I go. Amen

8.) Faithfulness

Help me to stay true to my word and to trust in your promises. Even in uncertainty and doubt, let me follow in Your steps and remember you called me for such a time as this.

9.) Self Control

Self-Control Father, Grant me wisdom and strength to exercise self-control in all aspects of my life, resisting temptation and acting with discipline. Guide me to make choices that honor You and lead to growth and fulfillment. Ame

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