Can the Song “Reckless Love” Make Your Prayer Life Better?

Do you really know God like you know a family or friend? This is exactly what artist Cory Asbury from Bethel Music wanted to write about in the song Reckless Love.”

This tweet says it all.

I had to become a father to learn how to be a son.

So, what does this mean for your prayer life?

The way we know God completely changes the way we pray and how we view our faith. The song has quickly become a worship favorite, popping up in churches and playlists across the country.

Cory Asbury sent out two tweets with an explanation. It offers some food for thought as you pray today.

It said:

Only a mystic (one who has experienced God) can speak with Him as friends do. Consider the way you might behave around someone you don’t know but deeply respect. Probably a little nervous, overly careful with your words words as not offend him/her. So are the religious who don’t really know God. They say to Him all the things they think He wants to hear so He doesn’t get upset with them. But when you know Him, you relate as friends do — joyfully, playfully, not afraid of saying something “wrong” — comfortable, open, no secrets, no walls. You can call His love crazy, absurd, even reckless because you’ve seen it up close. You know what it means for Him to love you, you know what it cost. But if you haven’t experienced it, you stand at a distance and call it “perfect,” “calculated,” “right,” not actually knowing how absolutely ridiculous it is.

Watch the stunning acoustic performance of “Reckless Love.”

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