3 Biblical Lessons On Conflict We Can Learn From Lecrae and Louie

Recently, Pastor Louie Giglio invited Christian rapper Lecrae, along with others, to have a discussion on racial reconciliation. During that interview, Giglio referred to white privilege as “white blessing.” Lecrae was clearly uncomfortable, but he said nothing. This interaction led to criticism for both men who have since put out individual social media statements regarding their time together.  Here’s what we can learn:

 1. We don’t have to lash out when we’re hurt

Lecrae mentions in his response that he was caught off guard in the filmed moment on stage when Louie used the term “white blessing.” He states, “I was uncomfortable and trying to process. In the past I’ve had to navigate areas of white supremacy where I wanted to lash out and had to say, ‘Okay God, give me the grace and the wisdom on how to deal with this.'”

Sometimes God gives us the right words in the moment of an issue to communicate and correct someone, and sometimes we need to take a minute. We all wanted someone to say right then, “Wait a second! Let’s stop right there.” But scripture encourages us to be careful with our words. So when Lecrae did not feel that he could confront the issue well in the moment, he was quick to go to the Lord on how to handle the situation.

 2. We can talk privately and publicly about conflict

Matthew 18:15 states that if someone offends us, we should go to that person privately to address it. I don’t think the verse means we should avoid lovingly correcting someone publicly if the conversation is already public. In this case, Lecrae was still seeking wisdom during the conversation, and he tells us in his response that he immediately went to Pastor Giglio after to discuss the issue. Lecrae could’ve held onto that frustration and gone to instagram or twitter or facebook first, but he didn’t. Nowhere in scripture does it say it will be easy for the offended one to go to the brother who wronged them. This is always a tough and vulnerable spot.

Once they had a private conversation, they both went public. We all were invited into the conversation initially, and it left many confused and hurt. A public message was needed, and we got a glimpse of Christian conflict playing out in a healthy way.

 3. We should apologize

Louie said something he shouldn’t have in a critical, public conversation. When confronted, he chose not to defend his words and instead confessed to Lecrae and to the public his offense like James 5 encourages us to do. Louie made himself accountable not only for his actions but the shadows of his heart that he needs to work on and we can all learn from that.

Seeking true unity is tough. The Bible speaks to us about it A LOT because it isn’t natural or easy or always clear cut. As Lecrae and Louie (and all of us) continue to listen and love those around us, we are going to mess up. Don’t step away from potential tension. Move through it. These guys have shown us how Jesus can use conflict to move us toward Himself and toward each other.

Watch their onstage interaction &  their public statements.



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