You’re Not Alone in Your Struggle with Depression

The stories this week of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have made me realize I’m long overdue in sharing my story. I genuinely have no shame in this story and would’ve shared it sooner, but, you know. Life happens.

About a year ago, the weight of my husband Joey’s long medical journey hit me at once like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t myself. My mind went to some dark places. And I mean dark.

I went to my doctor to get my knee looked at, but as I went to check the box that said “Joint Pain,” I hovered past it and also checked “Depression,” “Anxiety,” “Insomnia.”

When the doctor asked about it, I broke down crying. Deep, heavy sobs. Over my knee. It was a full release of all of the things I had ignored while taking care of Joey.

That day, she got me an antidepressant and referred me to do counseling, and it made a world of difference.

I share this because I know firsthand how lonely depression feels. Maybe for you it’s circumstantial. Maybe it’s hereditary. Maybe it’s that odd sensation of waking up and not being familiar with your own thoughts. For me, it was a combination of all 3. 

I’m not saying medication is for everyone. But I FIRMLY believe that therapy is for everyone. Share on X

I’m not saying medication is for everyone. But I FIRMLY believe that therapy is for everyone. Even if you’re not fully engulfed in darkness, why not get a checkup? I went to a place called Refuge Center in Franklin, TN and loved the experience and my therapist—plus they charge based on household income to ensure it’s affordable. It’s SO worth doing a little research or asking around to find those awesome counselors near you. 

Suicide rates are on the rise. In fact, it’s being reported that suicide rates have increased by 30% over the past 20 years. The crazy part is that in half of those cases, there’s no diagnosis of a mental health issue. So get the help now. Sit down with a professional that’s just there to listen to YOU. Just as you can’t ignore that lingering pain in your knee that doesn’t allow you to walk, don’t ignore that pain in your heart and your head that isn’t letting you function.

If you need someone to talk to today, chat with one of our amazing Groudwire coaches. Someone who cares is available to chat 24/7. They want to help you talk through the things you’re going through right now and find a way to be healthier emotionally and spiritually. If you would rather talk to someone on the phone, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is always available to help you through a hard time, as well. Just call 1-800-273-8255.

Please know without a doubt – you’re not alone. You are loved, you are valuable, and you are worth helping!

Please know you're not alone. You are loved, you are valuable, and you are worth helping! Share on X

You also might be encouraged by this story from American Idol contestant and Grammy winning artist, Mandisa. She talks about how found  she herself in a dark place and what it took to climb out of it. It’s beautiful and powerful! 

Watch Mandisa’s story! 
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