Get ready for a big kick-off! But first, here’s a road map of what you’ll see each day for the next 15 weekdays:
- READ: Each day you’ll read a Bible passage speaking truth about fear and going along with each story.
- GO DEEP: Watch each day’s video from your favorite artists and personalities. They’ll share a personal story on fear and some powerful insights they’ve learned from experience!
- NOTES: These are so cool! Notes from the Life Application Study Bible will be provided each day to help you understand and apply the verses you’re reading. They’ll give you insights that you wouldn’t have known otherwise!
- BONUS – RESPOND: You can always join the conversation in the comments – ask questions, share stories, encourage others who are battling with fear or anxiety, as well. You can also always post a prayer request or pray for others on the WAY-FM Prayer Wall.
Here we go!
Read (from the New Living Translation)
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.Isaiah 41:10
Go Deep
Leave it to Wally (from The Wally Show) to start your series on fear by doing something a little crazy! Wally’s comical (and daring) introduction in today’s video will make you laugh, but his heartfelt story about giving God his deepest fear will get you thinking.
Notes (from the Life Application Study Bible)
Although God chose the Israelites to represent him to the world, they failed to do this; so God punished them and sent them into captivity. Now all believers are God’s chosen people, and all share the responsibility of representing him into the world. One day God will bring all his faithful people together. We need not fear because: (1) God is with us (“I am with you”); (2) God has established a relationship with us (“I am your God”); and (3) God gives us assurance of his strength, help, and victory over sin and death. Are you aware of all the ways God has helped you?
How do people handle the feeling of having failed God for not overcoming fear after walking with Him and experiencing His miraculous interventions in your life? I really struggle with that. I can pinpoint that fear entered my life due to very difficult circumstances since I was very little. Although I see the hand of God protecting me and giving me victory even before I kneew Him, my batle is constant and with that comes guilt.
This is so me. You are really not alone. I trust God 100% but then when I face battles, sometimes I forget to give my fears completely to him and allow him to do his work. I just continue to worry. I always ask him for forgiveness for me not trusting him. I pray God continues to give me that strength and courage to know, he is always with me no matter what!
I believe we have to remind ourselves and be open to the reminders from the Holy Spirit that God knows our failures past, present and future and he loves us anyway. Our worth to him does not change because of our failures. He doesn’t love us for all the good we do, he loves us just because he is love. Seek the verses that remind you of who God is and who he says you are. There is peace and comfort for our fears in those verses.
I am engaged to a guy after five years of being divorced and a 22 year marriage where emotional abuse took place. Sometimes, I get flooded with fear in my body because I am so worried I am making the wrong choice in marrying this man. I try so hard to give it to God and rebuke the devil but it continues to come back over and over again. I don’t know if it is my gut instinct/God telling me he’s the wrong man or just my insecurities and fear? How do I tell the difference?
Being a guy I know some things. Does he need to know where you are at all times? Does he get jealous when you talk to other men? Does he allow you to make time for your friends and family? An insecure person will show their true colors. I am sorry for your experience. I always trust my gut.
With 22 years of abuse in your past, there is likely still to be a lot of feelings that may have not been processed for you to get to that place of being healed and ready to commit to another man. Perhaps counseling would be beneficial and even with your fiancé? I pray you find the healing Jesus wants to give you and you can have peace as you head into marriage again.
I am also in that situation you were in. There’s a wonderful book called “Why does he do that: In the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men”, by Lundy Bancroft. You will be amazed by it and also completely relate to it. There’s some material in chapter 8 that speaks to dating and what to look for that are red flags. I would pray that God speaks to you and you will make the right choice. Part of your fear may be due to your previous experience. Just give it to God and ask him to help you be mindful… Read more »
Hello.I understand how this anxiety feels.I’m 12,but I’ve felt that kind of fear before.All we can do is trust god and he will provide.Have a blessed rest of your day
Always listen to your gut instincts and really check into warning signs that others have suggested. I am a survivor of extreme abuse and I always wish I had listened to my gut instincts because looking back there were red flags I ignored every time. Also I would suggest counseling with a Christian therapist that can help you safely navigate the relationship. Above all, pray to God for wisdom andxm discernment. And don’t rush into anything. Take your time. Much love in Christ!❤️🙏❤️
I struggled with fear allot until I was told of the difference between fear that God gives us, a healthy fear that would save us. You know like don’t put you hand on something hot. Then there is the spirit of fear, one the enemy send to keep our focus off of God and on that thing the enemy brings. God did not give us the SPIRIT of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. When we focus on what we are fearful of, we give the enemy control and enthrone him, not God. When we focus on… Read more »
Wow. I’m struggling with fear right now as I write this. This hit home and the verse is one that has a lot of meaning for me. I’ve been in a tug of war with trusting God as I know I can and trying to drown out the lies of fear. Don’t really have anyone to turn to about this because no one around me fully understands. But the reassurance from that verse has helped a bit. Thank you.🙏💖
That is great to be reminded that God is with us/me thru anything. I admit I’ve often forgot all that God has brought me thru and now realizing that God will bring me thru all that brings me fear today. Thank God
Wow! Thanks for reminding me that God will bring me thru all that brings me fear today. He has brought me three so much. I need to remind my self that he will keep bringing me threw it. I/we walk threw the valley of the shadow of death. 🙌🏻
With the coming inauguration of Joe Biden, my fear about what will happen to our country and our way of life wants to creep into my mind a lot. I battle it with just what this verse says knowing God is with us and he is in control; He has the victory. This world is not my permanent home so I need to focus on the Kingdom of God and his call in my life and not worry about everything in this world. I pray God’s will be done but I also pray that chaos, discontent and trouble do not… Read more »
My fear is a financial fear In June I will lose my sons disability income because he will graduate from high school. My income is not even close to covering my monthly bills. Long story short I went back to college to get my degree to get a better job (hoping to finish before my son graduated but that isn’t going to happen) I am unsure of what to do on my salary there isn’t a place to rent that I could afford and can’t get a better paying job yet. I am fearing what will happen in June. I… Read more »
I do have a fear driving over bridges the reason is i am scared to lose control and don’t have a way to turn off. I can pinpoint when anxiety hits me feels like a ton of bricks and I pray God ease this fear let me do it. But I let the devil/anxiety in. When I get home I pray to God to forgive me for letting him in. Trusting that god has me and he is in control.
Do you still have anxiety driving over bridges? I have this same anxiety and even more. I now can’t drive on highways very well at all. How do you deal with it or how did you overcome it?
i have not got my second day and its been 3 ;(
I am grateful to have found this!lol
I have really been working on giving my fear/anxiety to God and walking away. I know God has everything under control and by trusting in Him, it is all going to work out. I have grown so much spiritually and value my relationship with God more than any other relationship in this world. He is the only who had got my back! Thank you Jesus!
I’m sooo scared about my grandma dying. She is just very old! I am worried about how i would handle it.
This is so true! I love the Wally show!
I have many fears and worries. Big ones are about my health, underlying probably because I want to see my son grow up and I worry something will happen to me and I won’t get to experience that. I have fears of being around people because I’m scared of their judgments of me or something embarrassing happening or even if they will like me, I’ve had this turn into full blown agoraphobia. I feel like I’m in a constant state of fear & worry and although I pray to God and want to hand over everything to Him, it’s hard… Read more »
Wally,thank you for that.I am dealing with fear that I will lose my goose, my dog, and my family.I am so grateful for way nation and, though I’m 12,i will continue to support wayFM as best I can.
Have a blessed day