Why It’s Ok to Fall Apart | Ryan Stevenson

Cancer is such a horrible and scary word.

When my Aunt told me her breast cancer was back, I asked her how she was handling everything emotionally. She said every day when she would lay on the table for radiation, she would quote lyrics from a Ryan Stevenson song to remind her that, “There’s healing in the story of your scars.” That moment I decided if I could ever talk with him, I would thank Him from the bottom of my heart for that song.

The moment came and I was beside myself. His story of painful loss is what breathed life into the song my Aunt has been clinging to called “When We Fall Apart.”

Ryan reminded us that, “Sometimes the only way you’re going to heal from the hurt and pain in your life is when you release your grip of control and just let things fall apart. Fall into the arms of Jesus.”

Watch this Acoustic Performance of “Love Like Thunder” with RICHLIN and Ryan Stevenson
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