Sidewalk Prophets New Song “I Believe It Now” Inspired by Loss, Infertility, and Hope

Ben McDonald from Sidewalk Prophets recently took to Instagram to share some personal news,

“After 12 years of trying to get pregnant, my wife Carie and I are expecting our first baby! The reason I am sharing this today is because it is National Fertility Day. To those of you who are walking through a season of infertility, we feel your pain, and we share in the grief.

SWP’s latest single “I Believe It Now” is largely based on the doubts, fear, and anger I was experiencing during our lengthy infertility struggles. As I sat at my piano the words of lament poured from my heart. I don’t know the reason why God answers some prayers, and not others but I have begun to learn to pay close attention because even when we don’t see it or believe it, God is at work.”

Sidewalk Prophets | Songs From a Mug
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