Lecrae Speaks to Believers About #BlackLivesMatter


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“Should we use the term ‘Black Lives Matter?’ Let’s distinguish the term, and the slogan, and the sentiment from the organization.”

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August 30, 2020 10:10 am

I’m worried about the fact that Lecrae has mixed a lot of truth (black lives definitely matter, God wants restorative justice for his black people) with just enough misrepresentation of the BLM organization that his message will be entirely discounted by many Christian who need to hear the truths that he did speak… By hearing Lecrae say that the BLM organization is not condoning police defunding, rioting or looting…there are so many videos, tweet and interviews with the leaders of BLM in which they very proudly tell people to do whatever they have to do- including violence against anyone who… Read more »

Michael C Knight
Michael C Knight
Reply to  Stacy
September 24, 2020 3:12 pm

It’s not just the misrepresentation of the organization, but every situation of “cops killing black people” that the media has been pushing with their narrative this year. As Christians, we have to see what the Lord is trying to say and not just hastily take things at face value or with our imperfect emotional responses. The media right now is being led by the enemy, and Lecrae has continuously shown he has been taking the bait without taking a moment to wait and listen, and he’s influencing his followers to follow suit. I’ve seen the results in the comments on… Read more »

Dion Richardson
Dion Richardson
June 11, 2020 4:37 pm

Watched it on IG this morning. Lecrae is totally on point. I’m an African American male who grew up in inner-City L.A. but also went to college in Orange County, CA. I’ve seen the huge divide in our land economically, educationally, and politically. I’ve always seen Christ as the answer to it all, but what baffles me is how we didn’t take on the mantle back in ’92. The only reason we’re addressing it now is the midst of COVID and the masses seeing Mr. Floyd’s death. Kirk Franklin addressed it back in 2016 and last year, but was edited… Read more »

Rob Vischer
Reply to  Dion Richardson
June 11, 2020 4:41 pm

Hi Dion! I agree with you. I appreciate that Lecrae speaks to many of the opinions and views with a spirit of love, mercy, and understanding.

Reply to  Dion Richardson
August 30, 2020 10:11 am

I hate that they took out his prayer. Best part of the song. 🙁

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