January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day and this is the story of how music is making a difference. According to Exodus Road, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending human trafficking, there are over “40 million people who are being trafficked today.”
This video tells the story of brave women and men rallying under the banner of freedom to provide a way out to those who are enslaved.
David Zach, lead singer of Remedy Drive shares “you only get 1 life to live. What do you spend it on? I’ve been given this front-row seat to the modern-day abolitionist movement and it’s been the privilege of my life watching ordinary people step into extraordinary roles in the arena of freedom, justice, and mercy…”
We use our concerts and our albums to shine the light on slavery and then our fan base and our community help fund the abolition work of the Exodus Road.”
David challenges us not to waste our lives, but instead to stand up and join him in the fight.
“Maybe you will join us in fighting slavery, maybe you will build wells too, maybe you foster children…stand up against inequality… It could be your last work, very well could cost you your life. You have but one life to live. What will you spend it on…”?
Find Out How You Can Fight Against Human Trafficking With Exodus Road.