A Must See Cover of “Holy Water”

StikYard’s live performance of We The Kingdom’s “Holy Water” at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN is worship like you’ve never experienced before. An abundance of creativity is expressed from before the first note begins. Original instruments are specially designed by the band and range from unexpected drum constructions to an actual river. Driving percussion is combined with dazzling visual effects and choreography, resulting in an immersive experience that you’ll want to watch again. This video beautifully illustrates worship as being more than just the music and words we sing. We can worship God through the many different creative gifts he has given us and worship Him in a way that is immersive, high energy and above and beyond what our ideas of what worship should be.

Director Mark Miller founded StikYard with a goal of bringing one of kind productions that are inspiring and exciting. This performance definitely delivers!

Watch We The Kingdom in Songs from a Mug
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September 7, 2021 9:06 am

Had chill bumps from the very beginning, and by the end tears streaming down my face. BEAUTIFUL!

Ginger Johnson
Ginger Johnson
September 2, 2021 7:31 pm

So inventive and stirring!I loved everything about this!

Last edited 3 years ago by Ginger Johnson
Sharon Coley
Sharon Coley
September 3, 2021 9:40 am

BEAUTIFUL AMAZING AWESOME my GRANDKIDS and I love your song’s TY 🤗🙋‍♀️👫🙏🙏🕊👑

Leslie Schoenberg
Leslie Schoenberg
September 5, 2021 7:33 am

Great performance.
My praise team at World Harvest Church in Enid Oklahoma does it just as good.
You can see the video for yourself on YouTube /World Harvest Church Enid,

Frances Bookwalter
Frances Bookwalter
September 5, 2021 7:09 pm

I just watched the Holy Water video. It moved my spirit so much! I felt the presence of God in that video and look forward to seeing more inspiring videos in the future. Thank you for blessing us with it.

October 8, 2021 3:48 pm


April 22, 2022 5:47 pm

WOW, what a great interpretation of the song and with the river and unique instruments, what a great performance really enjoyed it. Thank you

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