TobyMac Shares Hope with Good Morning America and People Magazine Through New Album “Life After Death”

The world has been through a lot of change in the four years since TobyMac released his last album. Toby himself has experienced life changing tragedy in the loss of his oldest son, Truett.

His new album “Life After Death” proclaims how the hope of eternal life in heaven changes our perspective. Because of eternal life, there’s a reason to persevere and trust God. Even when something devastating crashes into your life, you can find a reason to live. We can have life after death on earth because there will be life after death in Heaven.

Toby’s music on this album challenges the typical mindset of our culture and his story is giving him a platform to talk about his experiences and his faith to new audiences. Toby is getting the opportunity to live out Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Toby shares through story and song how difficult the journey is, but God is still good. This message of hope is being spread on social media, television and print. Here’s a few of the places, he’s been given the opportunity to testify!

Good Morning America

Toby shared his story and talked about “Life After Death” with Chris Connelly on Good Morning America.

Facebook Artist of the Day

Toby was named “artist of the day” on Facebook, on August 19 when the album was released.

People Magazine Interview

People magazine featured TobyMac telling the story of how his life went from perfect to really messy. He shares about his family’s journey of healing and how Truett’s death has changed the way they live life.

People Magazine Interview with TobyMac

You can read the People Magazine article here.

If you’re ready to hear some music from “Life After Death” check out the music video for “The Goodness” where Toby worships alongside Blessing Offor.

TobyMac & Blessing Offor’s Song Encourages Us to Find “The Goodness” When Life Gets Hard
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Esther bissoon
Esther bissoon
August 23, 2022 3:33 pm

I listen to your song 21 yesrs everyday

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