Monday School

Not the Goal

Jun 18, 2024 • 5 min 28 sec


Acts 4:8-15

In today’s session, we tackled some big questions about heaven and faith. Inspired by Wally’s insights, we discussed that getting into heaven isn’t about following rules or being perfect—it’s about building a relationship with Jesus. My favorite takeaway? “Heaven is the reward, not the goal.” Focus on knowing Jesus, and the rest will follow. Thanks for tuning in, and remember, let’s keep growing and evolving each day.

For more resources from the World’s Biggest Small Group, text GROW to 67101.

Acts 4:8-15

In today’s session, we tackled some big questions about heaven and faith. Inspired by Wally’s insights, we discussed that getting into heaven isn’t about following rules or being perfect—it’s about building a relationship with Jesus. My favorite takeaway? “Heaven is the reward, not the goal.” Focus on knowing Jesus, and the rest will follow. Thanks for tuning in, and remember, let’s keep growing and evolving each day.

For more resources from the World’s Biggest Small Group, text GROW to 67101.

Available Episodes

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Heaven Bound

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Heaven Bound

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Wally shares insights from an ongoing church series about the concept of heaven. The hosts unravel common misconceptions about the afterlife and

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Heaven Bound

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Love Life

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One Love

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Sow What

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Jun 18, 2024 • 5 min 40 sec
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