The On Ramp: Daily Bible Reading

John 15 – Abide

Jan 19, 2024 • 4 min 14 sec


I see a beautiful connection in today’s readings – between Genesis 15 and John 15.

Jesus said:
“I no longer call you slaves because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me, I chose you…” – John 15:15-16a

The night He was betrayed, Jesus shared some amazing promises with His friends. He confided in them. He told them about His coming death, and the home He would make for them in Heaven. He told them about the promise of the Holy Spirit, and He promised them that persecution would come because they followed Him.

These disciples of Jesus walked closely with Jesus during His ministry on earth – but only because He chose them first.

Similarly in Genesis 15, the LORD Himself spoke with Abram in a vision and shared some amazing promises with him too! He confided in Abram. The God of Heaven shared that Abram would have his own son, and that he would eventually possess the entire land surrounding him. He also promised Abram that persecution would come on his descendants.

Abram walked closely with God as he traveled on earth, lived in tents, and built altars – but only because God chose him first and called him from Ur of the Chaldeans.

Here are a couple takeaways:

  • When God calls, we must follow.
  • Abiding in Him leads to much fruit – this was true for both Abram and Jesus’ disciples.
  • If we live for Jesus, persecution is to be expected.

I see a beautiful connection in today’s readings – between Genesis 15 and John 15.

Jesus said:
“I no longer call you slaves because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me, I chose you…” – John 15:15-16a

The night He was betrayed, Jesus shared some amazing promises with His friends. He confided in them. He told them about His coming death, and the home He would make for them in Heaven. He told them about the promise of the Holy Spirit, and He promised them that persecution would come because they followed Him.

These disciples of Jesus walked closely with Jesus during His ministry on earth – but only because He chose them first.

Similarly in Genesis 15, the LORD Himself spoke with Abram in a vision and shared some amazing promises with him too! He confided in Abram. The God of Heaven shared that Abram would have his own son, and that he would eventually possess the entire land surrounding him. He also promised Abram that persecution would come on his descendants.

Abram walked closely with God as he traveled on earth, lived in tents, and built altars – but only because God chose him first and called him from Ur of the Chaldeans.

Here are a couple takeaways:

  • When God calls, we must follow.
  • Abiding in Him leads to much fruit – this was true for both Abram and Jesus’ disciples.
  • If we live for Jesus, persecution is to be expected.

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