Available Episodes
299 Am I Being Kind or Just Feeling Guilty
This week we discuss motivation being a huge factor when it comes to doing the right thing, especially if we didn’t do the right thing
298 Going to Church Won’t Help
John the Baptist told the teachers of the day that they aren’t getting into heaven based on their reputation. We discuss how that can be
How Reyna Landed in Prison (Bonus Episode)
A great discussion with our radio show producer Reyna about how prison has impacted her life. Her dad went there when she was young, and
297 Don’t Assume What the Bible Means
This week we discuss different views on the Bible. From Christians differing on age old questions, to even LDS/Mormons and differences in their views on
296 Did God Give You a Choice?
We discuss that hard to answer question: is our life our own, or has God pre-planned every detail? Or perhaps there is a mixture of
295 Living Faith is Simpler Than You Think
Carder has an anti resolution inspired by Jesus’ words. Instead of a goal, it’s just about doing something. Rachelle shares a story to go along
294 Matthew’s Math ain’t Mathin’
A good reminder for the “boring” parts of scripture: that when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you see how beautiful it
293 New Years Resolution: Do Nothing
We discuss a new phenomenon called “quiet quitting” your family. Is this Biblical, or even healthy? Rachelle recalls a great childhood memory that’s a life
Finding Jesus In: A Charlie Brown Christmas (Bonus Episode)
Merry Christmas! We are taking one more look at spiritual truths and Biblical principles in our favorite Christmas movies.
292 Finding Jesus In: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
We are finding Biblical principles and life lessons in Christmas classics.