The Art of Friendship

We were not created to live life alone, yet in this age of limitless digital connections we are somehow lonelier than ever. This isn’t just sad – research shows it’s dangerous mentally, physically and spiritually. Loneliness is a secret we keep that is killing us. There is an answer, but it isn’t found online. It’s found in discovering you were created to be a friend, in understanding God-centered practices that build lasting friendships and in learning satisfying ways to share your life now. The Art of Friendship podcast will help you fulfill your God-given friend-longing, improve existing relationships, and invest in others longing to connect. With humor, honesty and transparency, Kim guides the conversation with friends and experts to help you discover how life-changing and life-giving friendships can be yours. Every episode strives to inspire, educate and engage, but also change your life with weekly exercises to help create and keep the relationships that matter. Kim Wier is a speaker, radio talk show host, Bible teacher, and author of the book, The Art of Friendship and other titles.


The Art of Friendship

Available Episodes

158 – Friends Share Big News

We’ve got big news. A new podcast has been created for you and we are excited to tell you all about it.  Get Kim’s latest

Jul 25, 2024 • 8 min 11 sec

157 – Caring For Friends In Crisis (from cancer to calamity)

Relationships brings us so much joy, but committed relationships also mean walking with freinds through their deep vallies. Are you prepared? In this episode, Kim

Jul 29, 2023 • 48 min 32 sec

156- It Just Takes One

Everywhere we look, a generation of kids is floundering- or worse. The answer isn’t a governent program or even a church intervention. The hope for

Jul 05, 2023 • 53 min 32 sec

155 – Fullness in the Empty Nest – Part 2

Is it an empty or it just spacious? How you view the nest after kids fly away determines just what kind of second half you

Jun 21, 2023 • 43 min 38 sec

154 -Fullness in the Empty Nest – Part 1

The clock is ticking and the day will come. Your kids will grow up leaving you in an empty nest. What an oppotunity! In this

Jun 14, 2023 • 48 min 1 sec

153-: Making Friends with Truth

What is truth? And what is your relationship to truth? How we define truth and the relationship we have with it can transform your world

May 24, 2023 • 45 min 10 sec

152-Getting Angry With God

When we are mistreated or betrayed, we have every right to be angry- but so does God. Did you know He is angry with you?

May 17, 2023 • 53 min 33 sec

151-Golden Opportunities of Summer

For a kid, summer was the best time of the year for having fun and making friends. It still can be! The relaxed days of

May 10, 2023 • 50 min 3 sec

150-Bringing Career & Calling Together

When work stops working for you, its time to discover where you were created to thrive. In this conversation,Kim talks Chris and Laura Harris Smith, authors of Make Your

May 03, 2023 • 51 min 13 sec

149-When Your Friend Has Cancer

Friends stick together in good times and bad, but sometimes sticking isn’t enough. In this conversation, Kimtalks with Rev. Percy McCray, of City of Hope cancer

Apr 26, 2023 • 44 min 16 sec
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