The On Ramp: Daily Bible Reading

Genesis 32 – Jacob reaches the place of “emptying”

Feb 13, 2024 • 6 min 38 sec


Today we’re reading Genesis 32 from the New Living Translation.


READ: Here is something I noticed…

  • Jacob wrestled with God near the Jabbok River (vs 22).

The name “Jabbok” means “emptying” in Hebrew. It flows from a mountain range, and empties into the Jordan River about halfway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. If you have a map in the back of your Bible, you might be able to see for yourself! As I think about the scene, I can’t help but think of the “emptying” that was happening in Jacob’s heart.

He schemed and manipulated the situation to get the blessing from his father Isaac (as if God needed his help to fulfill His promises). And now, on the eve of seeing his estranged brother Esau, Jacob is in some pretty deep distress. He prays. He reminds God of His promises, and he shares his concern – “I am afraid…” (vs11). Further, Jacob acknowledges “I am unworthy…”

That night Jacob wrestled with God, and God changed his name from “Jacob,” which means “Supplanter”… to “Israel,” which means “God Prevails.”

His name went from a declaration of his own sin and weakness to a declaration of God’s strength and power.

What did you get from today’s reading?
Today is your “On Ramp!”

Ps –
This podcast is sponsored by the New Living Translation from Tyndale House Publishers. Click the link to find out more.

Today we’re reading Genesis 32 from the New Living Translation.


READ: Here is something I noticed…

  • Jacob wrestled with God near the Jabbok River (vs 22).

The name “Jabbok” means “emptying” in Hebrew. It flows from a mountain range, and empties into the Jordan River about halfway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. If you have a map in the back of your Bible, you might be able to see for yourself! As I think about the scene, I can’t help but think of the “emptying” that was happening in Jacob’s heart.

He schemed and manipulated the situation to get the blessing from his father Isaac (as if God needed his help to fulfill His promises). And now, on the eve of seeing his estranged brother Esau, Jacob is in some pretty deep distress. He prays. He reminds God of His promises, and he shares his concern – “I am afraid…” (vs11). Further, Jacob acknowledges “I am unworthy…”

That night Jacob wrestled with God, and God changed his name from “Jacob,” which means “Supplanter”… to “Israel,” which means “God Prevails.”

His name went from a declaration of his own sin and weakness to a declaration of God’s strength and power.

What did you get from today’s reading?
Today is your “On Ramp!”

Ps –
This podcast is sponsored by the New Living Translation from Tyndale House Publishers. Click the link to find out more.

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