3 Secret Weapons for Facing Your Fears

Dunn Duun… Duunn Dunn…

Okay, did anyone hear the Jaws theme song in their head?

Jaws the movie was released in 1975, and the movie caused an insurmountable amount of fear of sharks and fear of water. Even though it may seem silly to some, that fear is still alive today in many people.

Fear has a way of doing that- sowing seeds in our hearts and in our minds and causing doubts, frustrations, and worry. Fear causes irrational fears to become alive within us.

The enemy uses fear to cause us to look away from Christ, to take our eyes off of the Lord and His promises to us. When I begin to fear it creates an uneasiness in my spirit. Have you ever been consumed with all of the “what-ifs” that could happen, and fall into your own man-made spiral of things that haven’t even happened yet? I know for me, this spiral can lead me to feel sad, angry, scared, anxious, and at times mad.

In light of this, what do we do? If you find yourself spiraling or fearful from life’s daily stresses and worries like me, let’s work to fight against the enemy with what I’m calling the 3 secret weapons.

Weapon 1: Find Your Army

Talking with a good Christian friend, and if you don’t have a good friend who you can turn to, well you can happily leave a prayer request and chat with us on the prayer wall. The Lord knew that in this life we would need community. Having a person to turn to in your time of fear who can point you back to Christ is a powerful weapon. The enemy loves for you to be alone in your fear, that is how he breeds lies and deceit.

“For where two or three gathered together as my followers, I am there among them.” | Matthew 18:20 (NLT) 

Weapon 2: Remember Your Battle Plan

Memorizing of scripture! The Bible is alive and is such an active tool that we can use. In every situation that we face you can find wisdom and clarity in the word. However, if you can memorize verses for your certain struggle, you are able to IMMEDIATELY combat the enemy with this weapon when he strikes!

You can google bible verses for anxiety, verses for loneliness, really any exact issue. Find one that speaks to your heart and commit to memorizing that verse, work on adding a few more words to your memory each day. Then when the enemy strikes speak that verse aloud.

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit.” | Hebrew 4:12 (NLT) 

*Bonus* listen to this song by Leanna Crawford on the importance of memorizing scripture. ⬇️

Weapon 3: Talk to the General

The most important tool would be PRAYER. We truly have a direct line to the Father. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is our weapon. Everything that you are feeling, everything that you are walking through take it to the Lord.

That has taken me years to fully understand, but if I am angry, I tell the Lord, if I am sad, I tell the Lord. I may not be able to do it at that exact moment since my flesh tries to take over but, I tell the Lord. You don’t have to have the perfect words, the Lord doesn’t require that, the Lord wants communication with you. Pray about what you are going through, ask him to lead you, to take away the fear that you are having, and to reveal to you, His truth.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.” | Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

We know how difficult it is to overcome fear, it takes practice. If you would like further wisdom and help to overcome fear, check out this 10-minute Bible Study from the World’s Biggest Small Group.

Sign Up For This FREE 10-Minute “Confronting Fear” Bible Study  
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